With all the technology around us, I still value a good old phone call.
I would love to "hear" your energy and "feel" the vibration of your voice!
If you feel the same, let's chat and see if my coaching style and offers are right for you and your needs.
In this 30-minute call will cover the following:
How you can be best supported at this time
If my offers are right for you
Find out if we are a fit
Any questions you have for me
"Carol guided me to use the additional tools I didn’t know I already had on my tool belt. This impacted every relationship in my life, and saved some."
Sela U.
"There is no way to describe here everything I have achieved. Overcoming many fears, releasing the inner child, and without a doubt, having understood that I need to know where I want to go and what I want to find so that I can have a direction in my journey."
Mauro M. Boston, MA
"It was through that journey of befriending my feelings that I began to coexist with every part of me. Thank you Carol, you made that deep exploration of the self safe for me, and now my life is open to a myriad of possibilities.”
Melissa A.

Dear Moon Child,
This letter is to tell you what I witness from up here.
Yes, I am way up here seeing things…
My universe is big. It’s expansive.
And from up here, I see you. And I see so much you still have to explore and live.
Calm and serene, here I stand.
Amongst the stars, I have peace, and this peace is also with you, within you, moon child.
You carry this DNA. It has been passed on to you long ago!
It’s beautiful, and I can’t say it enough.
I look down, and I see showers of blessings coming over you.
You are held in so much love!
So fly, my dear, fly and run and swim! Let the sunlight come in too.
There is so much life to be lived.
And when you need and long for rest, I am in the quietness of the universe within.
In the place of embrace and peace.
You are blessed beyond measure.
You are seen and supported.
I hope you know. I hope you can see it. I hope you can feel it.
Look up and breathe!
At night and in the day, I am always your mother.
I am the one holding you, always.
You, dear child, are mine.
And yours is all the earth and the universe, so go.
Go, just go.